June 21, 2023

There's Something About Panties

My day started innocently and mundane with a load of laundry to do. My suite was on the same floor as the laundry floor so it was super easy to get a load done quickly. I had already done a wash load and went to use the dryer when I realized there was still a fresh dried load in the drier. Seeing that the dryer was still warm, I took my wet clothes back to my suite to return a short while later. 20 min later I discovered the same load was still in the dryer with the owner's basket on top. Now a little impatient, I decided to remove the laundry into the waiting basket and get on with my business of drying. I removed all the contents from the dryer into the basket, proceeded to load my damp clothes and set the timer. Placing the other basket on top of the dryer again, staring me in the face was a pair of medium white panties along with an entire basket of women's things. They weren't plain, nor overly fancy, just nice. Once again that familiar feeling gripped me, taking me all the way back to my folk's spare bedroom and Anna's divine panties on the floor. 


Immediately I got incredibly turned on and thought to myself for a moment if I should? The thoughts raced through my head of having a new pair of panties to my lonely collection of two of Anna's. Yet I knew any second that door could open and the rightful owner could catch me! Nah, I couldn't, that would be just wrong and I went back to my suite to wait for my clothes to dry.

Upon my return some 40 min later, to my surprise the gift laundry basket with the white panties was still exactly where I had left it! Rationalizing to myself that this was some sort of sign, I grabbed the white pair off the top and stuffed them into my already tight jeans, while stuffing my own laundry as quickly as I could into my basket and scurried back to my own suite, heart pounding all the way!


As quickly as I could I pulled the white panties out and began to enjoy them immensely. I had no idea who they belonged to and that was the intoxicating part. Having Anna's was a trip in it's own right, but I had been down that road of fantasy in my head countless times. Now I had a pair that belonged to a stranger and it could be anyone's. Those panties put me back on track for awakening my dormant desires for women's clothing. 

Today my panty collection sits at over 80 pairs and I will be honest in saying that 95% of them have been acquired by more proper means, but I still have that pair from the laundry room to this day....

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