May 26, 2024

The Sissy Lesbian Concept


When searching for new and interesting things to share with my blog followers, I often go off on my own whims, looking for clues as to why I am the way I am. I've known quite early on in life that I possessed a strong Feminine side, and I've known all along I have absolutely no interest in males at all. I love, adore, and worship Women, always have, including those special Women with cocks in their panties, and always will, unabashedly.

There are many sissy gurls out there that crave to be Feminized in whole or in part, and in turn to be subjected to males for reasons that I simply cannot relate to in any way. I've tried to at least understand their desires, and their approach to sissyhood, and I think I can grasp the concept well enough, but it's never been a part of my journey towards embracing the Female spirit within me and allowing it to grow. 

I've half jokingly refer to myself as a Sissy lesbian, mainly because it seems to fit what it is I truly feel that I am. Much to my delight, I came across an article that resonated completely with me and wanted to share. Sadly I wasn't able to discover the author.

"The Sissy Lesbian Concept"

     Another potentially useful diagnostic label is that of "sissy lesbian". On the surface the whole idea appears ludicrous; everyone knows that lesbians are Female homosexuals who want to "make it" vis-a-vis another Woman. Yet in selecting sissies to be interviewed for this research the seemingly incongruous notion of "sissy lesbian" kept staring me in the face again and again. For this reason, I don't think that any book pretending to be complete on the subject of chronic love-shyness in sissies can afford to ignore the "sissy lesbian" idea.

Specifically, a "sissy lesbian" is a heterosexual sissy male who wishes that he had been born a Woman, but who (even if he had been a Woman) could only make love to another Woman and never to a man. Unlike the transsexual, the "sissy lesbian" does not feel themselves to be "a Woman trapped inside the body of a man". Moreover, none of the love-shy sissies studied for this research entertained any wishes or fantasies of any kind pertinent to the idea of obtaining a sex change operation. All wanted to keep their genitalia; all wanted to remain as sissies. However, all deeply envied the prerogatives of the Female gender and truly believed that these prerogatives fitted their own inborn temperaments far more harmoniously than the pattern of behavioural expectations to which males are required to adhere. The following represent some typical comments from love-shy sissies:

"From the time I was very, very young, I had always wished that I had been born a Girl. I know I would have been much happier as a Girl because I have always been attracted to the kinds of things that Girls do. But every time I think about how great it would have been if I had been born a Girl, I immediately realize that if I had been born a Girl, I would be a lesbian. I have always strongly disliked the idea of doing anything with my own sex. I despise men. Just thinking about making love to a man, transformed or even as a woman, makes me want to throw up!"

"I never wanted to have anything to do with the male sex, on any level. So, like if I had been born a Girl as I would have wanted, I would definitely be a lesbian because I'd be falling in love with and having sex with Girls instead of with men."  (40-year old love-shy sissy)


"Well, I don't know if I'd actually like to be a Woman full time. All I know is that I've always envied Women because they can play the passive role and still get married. I think our society is extremely cruel to sissies. It treats them like second class citizens all the time while Women get treated like Queens. When you write your book I hope you emphasize the fact that sissies have feelings too. I mean, sissies are human beings too, and they have feelings just as much as any Woman does. I think it's rotten and stinking the way it's always the sissy who is made to suffer. If you're a sissy male you're not supposed to feel any pain. You're not supposed to have any feelings. But when it comes to finding a Woman there doesn't seem to be any way of getting around these extremely cruel social rules that insist that only the male can be allowed to make the first approach with a Woman, let alone a sissy. If I was writing a book on shyness I'd hollar and shout on every page that the only way to solve the problem is to change these cruel social rules. You tell your readers that we've got to change the rules. And we've got to keep telling our daughters from the time they are little that they have just as much responsibility for making the first move in starting romantic relationships." (38-year old love-shy sissy)


Sissy lesbians differ from both transsexuals and homosexuals in that they cannot conceive of themselves making love to a man. For example, after sex change surgery the male transsexual almost always wants to begin making love to a man AS A WOMAN. The male homosexual wants to make love AS A MAN to a man. The sissy lesbian, on the other hand, wishes that they had been born a Woman, but always makes it clear that if they indeed had been born a Woman they would be a full-fledged lesbian. In other words, they would want to socialize exclusively with Women would choose Female partners exclusively for love-making and for sexmaking activity. In short, a secret fantasy of many sissy gurls is to be a beautiful Woman who lives with and makes love with another beautiful Woman.

The love-shy sissies studied all reluctantly accepted the fact that they are sissies. And none of them had ever revealed any homosexual tendencies. Yet all of them experienced the urge to dress up as a Woman or to put on lipstick or nail polish, etc. Since they could not be a real Woman, most of them visualized themselves as a sissy, serving or worshipping a beautiful Woman. And most of them had begun doing this from a much earlier age in life than had the large majority of heterosexual men.

Many of the sissies studied never liked their own gender very much. As young children most of them had avoided playmates of their own sex. And most of them had envied the Girls' play groups and play activities. They had come to view conventional societal expectations as cruel and callously insensitive because they perceived the Girls' peer groups and play activities as being their "natural terrain". Hence, they had often thought to themselves that if they could only find a way of gaining acceptance into the all-Female peer group they would find happiness, inner peace and contentment.


From a very early age in life onward, the sissy felt somehow "different" from their male peers. Something inside of themselves told them that they did not belong around male peers. Male peer group activities appeared foreign and often totally unappealing to them. And they tended to view males and their peer group activities with feelings of total and complete alienation and detachment. As one sissy expressed it, "Whenever I watched the boys in my school playing I might just as well have been watching a bunch of bear cubs play. I knew they were having a good time; but I just didn't feel that I belonged to their species. I knew that I belonged somewhere else, but I did not know how to find that someplace else."

The "someplace else" referred to was, of course, an all-Girl peer group. And so the sissy lesbian (1) does not want to play with males at all, (2) does not want to make love to or experience sex with males in any manner, (3) does not have male societal interests, and (4) would want nothing more than to find acceptance in a Female relationship with them as the submissive role to a Woman.- Author Unknown

Finally! I can proudly accept and embrace my sissy lesbian personality as real! 


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