September 1, 2024

The Chastity Season is Here! #Chastember

Today begins the Chastity Season of Submissive Celebration. What began as the Femdom Holy Month of Locktober has now evolved into an entire season where submissives may learn, experiment, and take their steps into the life changing positive experience of chastity.

Today is Chastermber 1st, with Locktober, Nocumber, and Denycember to create the Chastity Season of celebration. If you have yet to discover the magic of complete surrender of your ego which causes you so much strife (usually unaware even to you) today is the day you can begin to serve the Dominant Woman in a much deeper way. 


When it comes to us sissy gurls, it is an amazing thing to reflect on how sissy chastity has grown and evolved over the past decade. When I began my original blog in 2011, sissy chastity, being an accepted part of one's transformation, was really in it's infancy. Today we see sissy chastity as almost a standard part of everyday sissy life and it's a beautiful thing!

Chastity brings one's submissiveness into a much sharper focus. It deepens your devotion to Her, and in turn your better behavior results in more rewards from the Dominant Woman in your life. Chastity serves to close the circle of submission and opens a doorway to a part of your life that is full of fertile ground in your evolution, to become a better you.  When you take away the distractions of your old disgusting habits, you can't help but evolve.

So lets all begin to encourage our sissy sisters who have not yet begun their chastity journeys to do so. As someone who has been living the sissy chastity life for 7+ years, I cannot imagine ever wanting to go back to how I was before. Everything abouts sissy chastity has improved my sissy life and my relationship with my Domme to much deeper levels. It can be that way for you as well.

Chastember is here. Lets Celebrate!

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