September 18, 2024

When Daily Life and Sissy Life Combine


Originally posted April 26, 2015

Recently in my daily life I took a position with a different part of the company I've been working for. A new role in a new office at a new location, all sounded exciting as change they say is as good as a rest. However, little did I know that my new job would now play a part of my on-going sissy conditioning!

Upon arrival to my new office I was pleasantly surprised to discover that all but one of my immediate superiors were in fact Women. How delightful for a sissy like me! Now, most of my waking hours would have direct Female influence and authority, stripping away even more aspects of the male veneer that the vanilla world sees. 

Even with many years of Femdom conditioning to enhance and bring out my inner sissy to my daily psyche, the adjustment to working in a Female dominated environment was an interesting one. The daily dynamic between all the Female managers, and the Female bosses was one in which I keenly observed and made many mental notes upon. It was like getting a free masters class in Gynarchy. Each interaction held it's own Feminine touch, be it by the tone, emotion, and flair of the tasks at hand, while the management style at times towards the rest of us, certainly had a Motherly element (both nurturing and demanding).

Even more interesting was the observations around how my co-workers functioned in this Female dominated environment. I immediately noticed a lack of aggression in the workplace, and in general, most everyone were able to be in line with the Female dominated direction of the office.

Just recently I had my first review with my boss, Ms. Natalie. She pleasantly commented as to how well I was fitting in and asked how I was adjusting to life in a new environment. In that moment before answering, I took a millisecond to ask myself at that moment who had on the prettier pair of panties, Her or me!

"Oh, everything's been fine, it's been an easy transition" I smiled with a hint of irony.

"That's great to hear as sometimes new people have a bit of an adjustment period to the way we do things around here" replied Ms. Natalie

Her reply again sparked my sissy brain into flooding me with images of working in a full time Femdom environment, being able to work in full sissy attire, and discipline handed out over a desk via a strapon, but I was able to regain focus.

" Oh that's not a problem, I have a history of adapting to all sorts of direction and styles" smiling again with my years of sissy training at the heels of Women, front and center in the smile I was projecting.

" Good! Well, we've been happy to have you and look forward to some great things!"


Upon my completion of my initial review, I couldn't help but think of how I might be able to take advantage of such a Female dominated environment and strengthen my sissy life bonds to my daily life. Wearing panties and stockings under my slacks was already a daily ritual, but were there other things I could begin doing that might allow for a greater reveal of the real me in daily life? One thing was for sure, this new role was going to make for an opportunity for real personal growth, and Devina was surely going to benefit as well!

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