April 23, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow

Rule 18 applies

 Being given the keys to my own Feminine Shangrala for 3 whole weeks allowed the the unimaginable freedom to explore every budding fantasy I ever had about Anna in my life and I did so whole wholeheartedly! Still taking extreme caution to remember where her things were kept and in what order, I spend countless hours while house sitting for those three weeks completely enveloped in her panties, stockings, lingerie, heels, dresses, jeans, skirts, tops, pantyhose, jewellery, and makeup. I threw myself into it all!!  I once just started putting all her panties in her drawer on my face and laying on the floor just to soak in the scents and essence of her womanhood as it fused into deep regions of my brain.


I carefully tried on outfits, ensembles, every possible thing that would fit and that I could enjoy of Anna's. I was in pure heaven! The only nagging thing in my mind was now that I had discovered all the wondrous beauty of Anna's clothing, how could I possibly say no to this drug when she returned and I would no longer have such unlimited access?  I kept putting that question to the back of my mind as hour after hour in the evenings I would try on every single piece of clothing that would fit and enjoy my evenings in sheer bliss. I dove straight into the deep end of being a young sissy gurl, and I loved every second of it. The seeds that had germinated and would later on in life become "Devina' were now growing and taking root and I had just given them a massive jolt of nourishment...


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