August 13, 2023

Every Gurl Needs Their Own Wardrobe - The Begining


It really doesn't matter how much you desire to be gurly, if you don't have your own wardrobe, you simply aren't going to cut it. Up to now, my collection of Women's things were the two pairs of panties and the pair of pantyhose I pilfered from my sister-in-law Anna now years before when I first indulged my crossdressing fantasies years earlier. Added to them were the two pairs of panties swiped from my laundry room dryer. All in all not anything to be considered a wardrobe by any means, but more of a trophy collection.

Discovering Mistress Moon's website and taking the plunge of purchasing a pair of Her panties was different however. As I had been slowly discovering along the way through my journey of kink, each step was about courage and empowerment. Empowerment to give into my desires of Women's clothing over the restraints of fear and ridicule. Empowerment to explore the world of transgenderism and the courage to taste the forbidden fruit of Shemale cock on my lips against the societal pressures of scorn, and the empowerment to allow myself to grow by discovering my submissive nature to Women and in turn giving my inner spirit a chance to grow by devoting myself to the strong powerful Women I truly admired and worshipped.

Now I was empowering myself to take ownership of my own collection of Woman's clothing, and it all started with that first pair of satin purple panties that arrived in my mailbox one day. Mistress Moon had taken the time to include a nice hand written note encouraging me to fully enjoy Her gift to me and I eagerly did as instructed. Unlike Anna's panties, or the mystery panties from the laundry room, I knew exactly who these belonged to and these were marked fully by Mistress Moon's scent. Bringing them close and deeply inhaling shot powerful dominant Female pheromones deep into the recesses of my submissive brain and it was completely intoxicating! Ladies, if You truly want to make Your male Your own, place a pair of Your worn panties over his face and allow Your natural dominant scent to overwhelm his senses. Like a moth to the flame they will never stray, and I was no different! 

Mistress Moon's panties were like a hit of meth laced with pure Kink! One hit and I was hooked. So much so that I wound up purchasing 3 more pairs of panties from Mistress Moon and suddenly I found myself with my own treasured panty collection.Thanks to Mistress Moon, I suddenly found myself to be empowered yet again to take more steps on my Feminine journey, and that was the freedom to know that I could acquire my own Feminine items and clothes, and that one need not feel any guilt or shame over doing so. Those 4 pairs of Mistress Moon's panties added to the 4 I already had in my collection would ultimately grow to over 80 pairs I currently have in my collection today, and wear all the time. Thank You Mistress Moon for empowering this gurl to grow! 



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