February 4, 2024

The Sissy Dilema: Avoiding the Dreaded Purge


Today I wish to address a subject that confronts all sissies at some point or points along their journey into Femininity: The dreaded "Purge"

To purge is to get rid of something with the hope of clearing guilt. In the world of transformation and crossdressing, it takes on an even more specific definition. The act of purging is essentially taking all of your Female clothing, makeup and accessories and throwing them away. Usually this is done out of guilt, shame or coercion.

I’d like to focus this post on the drawbacks of purging and advice on how to avoid it. I know that many gurls purge their things in an effort to eliminate the desire to dress and move on with their lives. Some hope that this will cure their “condition” and allow them to lead normal  lives.


Consider this. If you are considering purging, here are some things to think of before you do: You are throwing cash in the trash.

Thousands have tried and failed at this. You will need to spend more money to rebuild your wardrobe. I once grasped at the idea of a possible cure for crossdressing when I was first starting down the uneasy path and wracked full of guilt and confusion. Eventually, I realized that there really is no cure nor will  there ever be, and it is just best to accept the gift that you have been given. Millions of dollars are made in the “quitting” industry whether it be smoking, overeating or drug addiction. If you pay special attention, you’ll notice that no money is being made by advising people to just get rid of the object that compels them. While I wouldn’t consider crossdressing an addiction by any means, this can be helpful example. Even if you thought there was a cure for transvestism, trashing your clothes would not be the way to go.

I understand that there may be other factors that lead up to purging, such as a lack of privacy where you live or a significant other asking you to toss your things. These may be valid reasons to get rid of your  collection, but there are alternatives. If there is no other way around  this, you can donate your outfits and shoes to a charity so they don’t go to waste.

If you feel that purging is unavoidable, there are various backup plans. Here are some ideas:

Pack your things in boxes or bags, seal them tight and label them something ordinary like bottle cap collection or basket-weaving books.  Put them somewhere safe but hidden, or at least someplace in your house where you wouldn’t normally see them.

Give them to a friend, Domme or confidant that will keep them for you so that you can think about the consequences. Most often after a purge, a sissy will feel the need to dress within a couple of days and then feel even more guilty having thrown everything away. Then the cycle begins anew, buying some new clothes and then trash them later. Thousands of dollars get wasted by doing this, not to mention the emotional damage you're doing to yourself.


Recently, maybe nine months ago, I almost purged.Instead I overcame the need to completely purge and instead thinned out my overflowing closet to the items that I liked the most, the colors that suited me best and the items that fit properly. This resulted in about a third of my collection being reduced but the result was satisfaction in resisting the purge demon. A good portion of the clothing I no longer wanted I wound up donating to my Mistress in order to expand Her sissy wardrobe to help other gurls live their dreams. Seeing recent pics of Her sissies in some of the clothing I donated helped me feel much better about my act of not throwing things away altogether. 

Have you had any significant bouts with purging? If so, how did you  deal with it? What lessons have you learned, and what would you say to  those who are considering it? One message is clear: don’t purge, you’ll certainly regret it!

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