June 26, 2024

Celebrating My 7th Chastiversary!!

 June 26th 2017 didn't start off as a momentous day. I had a desire to push my boundaries of being in sissy chastity beyond my then personal best of 37 days. Today I am looking back at 2556 days and counting and stand in amazement at the beautiful journey 7 years of sissy chastity has taken me on.

I am a completely different person now, in mind, body, and soul. I have feelings, emotions, and empathies as a sissy that I never knew was possible. Even better yet, my life priorities have completely changed. My basic instincts and desires have abandoned my old destructive male ego influences and each day I live my sissy life (and life in general) with an attitude based around " What would Lady Diva be pleased with?"

Her influence is a daily presence and my gift to her is the only thing I can offer of substance, and that is my eradicated male ego, and the trophy of a locked, inconsequential sissy clit.

Today begins day one of my 8th year. Lets all celebrate one less ugly male replaced by one more sissy in this world!

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