August 3, 2024

I Just Don't Get It...


 I absolutely cherish my G/girl chats with Lady Diva. Often W/we wind up chatting about all sorts of Feminine things, from fashion, shopping, and beauty products to which gurls are the biggest sluts, and everything in between. I'm so thankful to have the opportunity regularly to express my true self with Her and other Dommes in a normal day to day manner and it keeps my Feminine side at the forefront. Sometimes O/our chats get onto unpleasant topics and the other night was one of those.

It really is distressing to hear about how rude and clueless most males are when approaching a Domme. I hear terrible stories of the demands they make, their neanderthal attitudes, and just the ridiculous nature that comes with them being...well...male.  Now I once was just as clueless as these creatures, and in the early days of this blog, even admitted as such, however in today's internet age, there is no shortage of valuable information on how and how NOT to approach a Domme! 

When I first started to be curious, all I had was scarce Centurians type magazines and obscure fetish magazines that gave one very little if anything on how to approach a Domme and what the BDSM lifestyle entailed. Today that information is simply everywhere, yet to hear the idiotic stories of how pathetic males choose to approach and treat Dommes, it makes one wonder why They bother with it at all?


A Dominant Woman is a force of nature. A gift to us all that changes the ugliness and filth of the male infested world and re-shapes them into something better, something in a Woman's image, and desire. They will always know more than you, more about you, and more about the games males try to play and how to manipulate them to Their advantage. Yet these male cretins continue to waste time and energy trying to lie to Dommes, to waste Their time, and in turn to waste ALL of our time. 

They play silly little games thinking that their twisted, corrupt self imagined trappings of power, influence, and chromosomes will somehow give them the upper hand when with a Domme. A Domme can see through these mouth breathing delusional wanna be alphas a mile away, and en masse' those types are nothing but occupational hazards. 

Even worse I learned is the further bullshit offered up when their games get exposed and a Domme takes steps to block, delete, banish, or in some cases threaten to expose these bottom feeders to law enforcement or to their work or families. THEN the real regressive child-like antics break out and the gutter slime resort to 3 year old-like tantrums of all sorts. It's shameful, and truly pathetic.


Rule Number One in BDSM: you must earn everything. EVERYTHING.

You want to have the shit beat out of you? You have to earn it from Her. You want to be sissied up and prostituted out to other neanderthal males like yourself? You have to earn the privilege of representing your Domme as Her well trained slut, understand? Your wants, your urges, have no place in Her world until a time comes when you have proven yourself worthy of Her rewards. Then and only then might it begin to sink into those pea brains that it's never about you. IT'S ALL ABOUT HER!!!

As an example, why did I choose to evolve into a submissive Shecock sucking sissy? Because early on as a lowly panty-boy, I realized that my humiliation under Mistress Morganna and later Lady Diva Cane, pleased Them, made Them happy, and in turn They would reward me with experiences and sensations that went beyond my silly little desires. Left to my own devices, I'd likely still be a mouth breathing clueless male jerking off into a pair of panties like some pervert.

Instead, I put myself into Their hands and in turn They cultivated the flower within and it has grown and blossomed into something I never could have dreamed possible. For me, my sissy dreams were taken light years past what my small mind could dream, to a reality that I love. My lesson was to shut my mouth, open my mind and let a Dominant Woman lead me into Her World, and to respect and care for that world at all times. I'm now proud to call part of that world of Femdomination my home.

The moral of the story is, males, stop being dicks. Nobody needs or wants your bullshit...

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