August 4, 2024

Ladies, Do You Know a Sissy?


 In today's day and age of LGBT growing acceptance by the general mainstream populace, the one largely misunderstood group is our sissy subculture. The more we get this information out to Women everywhere, not just the ones involved in Kink, the more they will begin to learn about who we truly are, and they may be able to one day accept more of us in their lives. Please feel free to share this with Women of all sorts – Devina  

What Sissies Are Not

While the vast majority of sissies are ordinary heterosexual males with an additional Feminine dimension, they are stereotyped by society based on a highly visible minority who crossdress for entirely different reasons. 

Drag queens are usually gay or bisexual males who don Women’s clothes either to mock Femininity and society’s stereotypes of gays, or to find sex partners.

Female impersonators dress to entertain.

Transsexuals believe they are entrapped in the body of the opposite sex, and seek sexual reassignment surgery.


Understanding the "Woman Within" 

There is within each male a set of personality potentials that are part of his birthright, but that society labels as “Feminine” and says he should suppress. Sissies have made contact with these potentials and found their expression fulfilling. Integrating these into their whole personalities, sissies are able to smooth off some of the macho rough edges programmed by their upbringing. The result is a happier, healthier whole person.

But Why Do They Crossdress? Much speculation has centered on why some people crossdress. No one knows for sure. While some cite hormonal or genetic factors, others favour environmental factors. It appears that for many the clothing serves as a “lens” to facilitate focusing upon and developing personality elements society has assigned to the opposite gender.  Human beings are sexual creatures. Early on, many sissies find the activity sexually stimulating. However, research shows the sexual factor tends to become less prominent over time. Being a sissy is more a matter of personality than sexuality. For many the need to crossdress becomes a part of the self, just as musicians need to play music, writers need to write, or ballplayers need to play ball. A life without any sissy expression is to some as tragic as the life of a musician forced to live without music. Like musical talent, sissy expression can be a real gift.


What Types of People become Sissies? 

Sissies come from all walks of life, races, creeds, and  economic backgrounds. The phenomenon dates back many thousands of years.  In some cultures, especially some Native American tribes, they were  highly respected as shamans. Most sissies are well-educated and come from conventional family backgrounds. The vast majority are heterosexual and most are, or have been, married. Most are happy in their day to day lives, and only a small percentage opt to live as women full time. 

A few Women are crossdressers, but they are much less numerous than their male counterparts. Perhaps this is due to the relative latitude society grants to Women in matters of dress and self-expression.

Can Sissification Be "Cured"? 

The chief adjustment problem sissies face is societal attitudes. While these have been changing since crossdressers appeared on the Donahue Show in 1987, acceptance is far from complete. Because of possible consequences to families, jobs and friends, many sissies live shrouded in secrecy. Some sissies deny their Feminine side and dispose of their clothing, only to return to crossdressing later, frustrated by the amputation of so significant a part of their personality.  Some seek therapy, but as many therapists are not knowledgeable about crossgender issues, sissies sometimes find themselves educating the therapist rather than getting the help they seek.  Nor are psychiatric drugs of benefit. There is no “cure” for sissification, and most sissies do not want one!

How a sissy's wife or girlfriends accepts them depends on their own degree of insight and personal maturity, the strength of their relationship, and the way in which She learns about the sissification. Discovering his secret can send Her on an emotional roller coaster ride of anger, fear, denial and grief. She may feel it threatens Her own Femininity and the future of their relationship. 

Once a wife or partner realizes Her mate isn’t leaving Her for another male or for a new life as a Woman, or taking risks that could destroy their financial and family life, the two of them can seek a balanced solution that suits their own unique needs and circumstances.  Healing comes when the wife or partner realizes that her mate is the same person She has always known, recognizes the risk her mate has taken in revealing his innermost feelings, and appreciates the trust this represents. Many of the traits that attracted her in the first place - sensitivity, kindness, appreciation of beauty, etc. - can now be seen as belonging to that “woman within.”



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