January 13, 2024

Blurring The Lines


There comes a time in all sissy gurl's lives when they make the conscious decision to intrude upon their vanilla day to day life and allow themselves the freedom to express their Femininity. For some gurls it's the day they throw away all their male underwear and wear panties 24-7, others will commit themselves to be plucked and shaved at all times, and others take even bolder steps to reveal their gurly selves to the world for all to see.

For Devina, the transition to Female underwear was far easier than first imagined and with proper choices, one could even find proper panties to pass for simple briefs when needed, ie doctor's appointments, gyms etc..

 Wearing panties and stockings to work underneath the drab attire that the EME required brought it's own set of unique thrills. Each day Devina would take a moment to scan her office to wonder who was wearing sexier underwear that day, her of the Women in the office! Most times, Devina was assured that she indeed had on the sexiest underwear that day, and with her collection bursting to close to 80 pairs, she could plan her weekly panty plan well in advance.


Unfortunately in Devina's office, there was a definite lack of Women to compare to, let alone any in positions of Authority and Power. Devina would sometimes daydream about what it would be like to have a Female boss where slowly Devina could grow a little more daring by letting her inner Femme' self being hidden by the vanilla garb, slip through on occasion to see if a Female boss would notice and capitalize upon. A slight peek of a hot pink pair of panties shown when reaching for something on a book shelf, or a drop of perfume worn on a wrist, that would only be picked up by a Female nose. Sadly none of those opportunities really existed, but it never stopped one from dreaming

Unfortunately the career that paid the bills, that allowed Devina the freedom to build her Female life didn't really provide the opportunity to find an opportunity where a Female dominance in the workplace was prevalent. Devina, however was still blessed to have a growing circle of Girlfriends of Dominant Mistresses, and at least she could maintain her daily Female influence that way.


Panties and stockings to work, nighties and silk pj's to bed at night, and a constant Dominant Female influence reinforcing Devina's growing inner Femme' spirit continued to be a perfect recipe for what Devina needed to grow....


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