January 27, 2024

Essential Gurly Skills - Clothes


 Every sissy girl wants to look good, and every sissy girl wants other people to  think that she looks good.  So what better way to do that than with your clothes?  Your attire really sends an important message out to the  world, it lets people get a basic understanding of who you are before you even open your mouth to speak to them.  It can let a person know if  someone's clean, dirty, hobbies, types of music they get into, in some extreme cases gang affiliation, and so much more.   

When choosing your outfit, you first have to ask yourself "what is the  message I'm trying to send out to the world?"  Some sissy girls like the slutty looks, low cut tops, thigh-high boots, large earrings, short  skirts and so on.  Others find themselves wanting to give off a more sophisticated look, beautiful blazers, pencil skirts, pearl jewellery and  more.  There are many different types of looks besides the two, now you  just have to figure out which you're most comfortable with showcasing.

Remember, always dress in a way that you feel best reflects you and what you're happy with.  If you're an emo kinda girl, slap on your dark eyeliner, get your black dye and so on.  However, there is one universal rule that must be followed by all.  No matter what your style, always dress to your body type.  Be mindful of long arms, broad shoulders, lack of hips and so on.  If you know you have narrow hips and muscular legs,  I implore you to stay as far away from leggings and skinny jeans as you possibly can.  It's never a good look and is an instant clock. 

 If your shoulders are extremely broad and especially more so than your hips, stay away from short sleeved tops as best you can. They tend to accentuate the upper frame.  This rule also applies to the sissy girls with muscular biceps. There's a difference between being toned and looking like you can lift a truck, and people will look at you weird and maybe even talk shit from a distance if you're giving off man too much. My recommendation for those strong girls is to gain weight.  The fat will  cover up those muscles, and I often find that the plus sized t-girls pass wonderfully.

Another useful tip is to accentuate your best features. If you have long, slender, pretty legs, don't be afraid to wear shorts and skirts.  However, if those legs happen to be connected to narrow hips, I'd wear a  loose fitting top that happens to drape over that particular section. Avoid shapely garments as much as possible if your body isn't up to par.  (A loose fitting top also happens to work well for those girls who don't exactly have the flattest mid-section.  They key is to draw attention away from your trouble areas.)

For the sissy girls who are lacking ass and hips, don't be afraid to invest in pads. They give you body when you need it, and it's not like anyone's ever going to see it, unless you drop your pants or something like that.  It's a much safer option than silicone as it doesn't have the risks of  migrations and getting hard and the like.

Remember, that what looks good on someone else, doesn't always look good on you. Try on your clothes before you purchase them, and if possible always get a second opinion.  However, watch out for shady people, because they may tell you the wrong things just to see you look a fool in public. 

Never be afraid to accessorize! Accessories can bring an outfit to life. Wear a belt over a dress to give it some shape, wear bangles and a necklace. You can really make a generic outfit look like something  completely different and fresh, if you accessorize the right way.   

For tall girls, remember that you can buy your jeans in long sizes. Two stores that I know that particularly caters to taller girls is the the GAP and Buckle.  GAP generally has everything made from tall girls, from shirt to jackets and so much more. Buckle may be a little pricey,  however it has jeans in a variety of long sizes.  Long, Extra Long,  Extra Extra Long and so on.

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