July 30, 2024

Coming Out as a Sissy


 We all know how exciting it is for a sissy when they come out of the closet they have been in for so long. They no longer have to fear a member of their family finding their "special" clothes, shoes, wigs, etc. They no longer have to crossdress when the family is out of the house and hope that no one returns early. They no longer have to fear someone answering the telephone at the wrong time; they no longer worry that someone may discover they have been frequenting web sites concerned with gender matters.


No longer concerned about hiding their "secret" they experience a euphoria that expresses itself in a variety of ways that may frustrate and confound their significant other. They may now feel they can dress at home whenever they please. They may feel they can go "out" dressed whenever and wherever they wish. They may not be overly concerned about how much gets spent on clothes, wigs, etc. They may decide to attend support group meetings, seminars, conferences at will. They may decide that since they are having so much fun, more must be better and will increase their crossdressing dramatically. They may decide that since they have been confined to that closet for so long, they deserve the freedom to do what they want, when they want regardless of what others want or think. They may feel that any attempt to curb their sissiness is tantamount to pushing them back into the closet.


Needless to say, the euphoria that they experience is not experienced by their significant other. As their happiness increases, Her happiness may decrease as She fears for the security of Her children, the financial well-being of Her family, the hostility of friends and relatives, and the meaning of Her relationship.The significant other wonders just WHOM HAS SHE MARRIED? What has happened to the person She thought She knew? What lies ahead? Her fear and anxiety increases the more involved the sissy becomes with their gurly life. Her fear and anxiety turns to anger and resentment and a clashing of wills results.

Some wives demand that the sissy STOP their activities completely. Others ask that the activities be REDUCED. There may even be a few significant others who will accept completely the sissy's euphoria and may even encourage more participation. So how the sissy responds to their significant other determines the status of their personal relationship. Very few sissies will stop their activities completely. Those who do so may become increasingly depressed as they find themselves once again closeted. Whether or not these relationships continue will depend on whether or not the significant other is willing to compromise and allow some activities.

Other sissies refuse to reduce their activities in any way, shape, or form and their relationships, already strained and rocky, may deteriorate completely. Whether or not these relationships can be salvaged depends again on whether the sissy is willing to compromise by reducing their activities.


Those relationships, which most likely can be saved, are those where BOTH are willing to consider each other, both are willing to compromise. The Sissy and their significant other must communicate their feelings, fears, concerns, issues, and problems to each other and try to understand the other's viewpoint. Only through communication and compromise can their sissiness become a positive rather than negative part of the personal relationship.

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